A Moment to Breathe

Welcome to the 30 Days of Change Blog Carnival hosted by Living Peacefully With Children and Hybrid Rasta Mama. In celebration of the New Year and forgotten resolutions , we’re sharing the results of our 30 day commitment to addressing one habit the we either needed to eliminate, reframe, or include in our life. We hope you are inspired and energized to make one positive change in your own habits.


Photo by Relaxing Music (Flickr)

I never stop. I am always working on some project, doing something, or multi-tasking. I also have a difficult time saying “no” when people ask for help or when I see a need in my family or community. My husband once asked me what I thought would happen if I ever stopped doing something. I laughed it off, but it was a serious question: one I couldn’t answer before.

At the end of 2012, I decided that I wanted to change some of my habits in an attempt to make myself, and hence my life, better. They, whoever they are, say it takes a month to make or break a habit. that sounded like a workable goal for me, and so 30 Days of Change was born. Each month I plan to focus on some other aspect in my life that I want to change. I’m making my goals small so that I feel that I can accomplish them and make a sincere effort to improve my life.

January’s challenge was to take a moment to breathe every day. It took a lot of effort for me to slow down and make some time each day. Some times those moments were found with me sitting early in the morning with a cup of tea before my children awoke. Others were found soaking in the bath tub in between questions from my lovely inquisitive kids. Still others were sandwiched in between pages that I was reading. Still others were taken after everyone was snuggled up asleep. I didn’t set an SOP for my moment to breathe. I just looked for a moment in the day to slow down for a bit.

I learned a few things over the past month. I learned that while I am not particularly a morning person, I actually accomplish more when I get up early and start with those moments of just being. I also learned the answer to my husband’s question.

I didn’t grow up in the best of situations. Even as a small child, I believed that my only value was in how I could help or protect others. I spent my childhood trying to make the lives of others easier and to protect the people I loved. That feeling didn’t change when I grew up. I think in some ways, I am still trying to be of value to others, because I haven’t valued myself as a person deserving of anything. Taking a moment to breathe has opened up so many things for me. I’m looking forward to making other healthy changes in my life this year: not only to have better habits but to also grow as a person.


Please take a moment to visit the blogs of our other 30 Days of Change Blog Carnival participants. The links in this list will be updated by the end of the day.

6 thoughts on “A Moment to Breathe

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  1. You and me both mama! I take on WAY too much, never say no, loose my mind, and forget to breathe. Shoot, I forget to use the bathroom half the time! Thanks for the reminder that yes, we mamas NEED to take even the smallest moment to collect ourselves, regroup, reinvigorate, and simply breathe!

  2. wow. you could have written that post about me. it was actually eerie how those words hit home. i think my next 30 days of change, now that i’ve started tackling this nervousness, will be to take a moment to breathe. i’m not a morning person, but i LOVE getting up in the morning and really starting the day with focus, calm, and intention. i love this post.

  3. I can totally resonate too. I find my ‘not good enough’ voice cuts in a LOT, joined by my inner critic that doesn’t have time to sit around and do something as silly as breathing when there are other things to do!! I love how you found insight during your challenge, about getting things done in the morning and how it feels that you did this challenge by supporting yourself, not beating yourself up. Thanks for sharing 🙂

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